Sunday, March 8, 2009

This ones out of my hands...

There are some things in life we can control and some things in life we just cannot. This is a time in my life where I am feeling a strong hold on both. I feel like I have so much to control regarding school, where I am headed after May and so on. The other half is saying let go! Stop trying to control everything because you will miss on on other things along the way. I personally do like to be in control so it's weird the way I have been feeling lately. I am tired of all this control and keeping everything together. If I had it my way i'd be on a red eye tonight on the way to Greece! However, there needs to be some structure and obviously I need to finish school first, which I will do. It's the getting there that is the problem; which isn't even a problem I guess I am just losing steam. Oh here I go again with the same damn blog, this all sounds so familiar. Me, complaining about school. It's honestly because I am over it. I am over the assignment, the readings and the time spent sitting in a chair listening. I want to roam free RIGHT NOW. aHA! Well I suppose I should get back to studying or lack there of. To all of you who are feeling the same way I am... WE CAN DO IT. When there is a will there is way. I just need to keep reminding myself that times flies and as soon as I know it I will be on a flight heading far away... woo hoo!


  1. You are getting there, almost done, and I am so proud of you! You'll know where you're going once you're there... where ever it'll be fine

  2. I feel the same way... sometimes I feel like I am spinning out of control and other times I feel like I am perfectly grounded and on track. Weird how it comes in waves huh?
