Saturday, February 28, 2009


I have ALWAYS been one to expect a lot out of people. I like to give a lot to people I care about and to the people I consider close friends. It has taken quite some time to realize you cannot expect anything from anyone. It may seem a little cynical but it's not meant to be, it's honesty. After time and time of giving you become exhausted. Nothing has happened recently to make me want to write about this it just happened to cross my mind and I decided to see if others feel the same way. As humans we have expectations, some higher than others. Sometimes I feel mine are way too high. But then again, going out of your way for a friend or loved one doesn't seem so hard to me. Maybe for other people it takes too much time and energy out of their schedules. We can become so consumed with ourselves we forget about appreciating the ones closest to us. It doesn't have to be about material things; even just a simple phone call, note, e-mail or How are you doing? Just to let the other person know you are thinking about them and they are of importance to you. It's all about being aware of who treats you right and wanting to show the appreciation back to them. If anything do things unconditionally because if you do something with the expectation you might just be let down. In life you must learn that the best surprises are when you don't know and when you don't expect. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Having high expectations isn't a bad thing. Expectations pertaining to a certain person could be exhausting because several times you never receive anything in return. I've learned to take things as they come and not to expect much from people. I tend to over analyze everything and I just end up getting a headache. So I stopped and I'm waiting for the surprises.
