Thursday, April 2, 2009

A letter to my one true love...

Dear Ranch Dressing,

I''ll never be able to describe the way I love you. I need you all the time, I could never be without you. I think you feel the same way about me. You are my pillar of strength, my everything. Everywhere I go, there you are. Sometimes you change your way, you become different. Sometimes you are sweeter, sometimes you are bitter but always you are there. People don't understand our love for one another. They always ask "How come you always have to have it?" I don't have answer, I just know it's true, I can't be with out you. There have been times when I have had too much of you and I feel sick but days later I need you. There have been times when I have run out of you and it hurts both of us. I am sorry for those days but I can only re-call the best times we shared. You were there for me ...through pizza, rice, fries, spaghetti and countless salads. No one will ever replace and that is something I can promise you. You have been loyal to me and I will remain loyal to you. I love you ranch dressing with all my heart!


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