Sunday, April 19, 2009

At the moment...

At the moment I have my window open and I blasting The Cure in my bedroom, thoroughly enjoying this lazy yet beautiful Sunday evening. What a gorgeous day it was! Getting a tan on the beaches of Monterey Bay and then dashing to In and Out to satisfy my craving I had all day. Never can get enough of in and out. Anyways, I thought i'd write a blog about precious moments that perhaps we take for granted each and everyday. Feeling the breeze against your skin, the shining glistening down upon you or even a smile from a stranger. I don't what it is, maybe I am being a bit nostaglic because my days in Monterey are dwindiling but I have been recently recounting the memories I have made here and the people I have stumbled across. Mostly good, some bad. Each day something occured and there was always a story to share. Even more so, I have made some cool friends who I soon will be leaving behind or we all will be going our seperate ways to start the next chapter in our lives. I created a little life for myself in the peninsula but I am happy to move forward as well...In doing so though comes some pressure as to where I will head and what I want next out of my life. My hope is to travel Europe for at least a couple months and meet some new people, taste new foods, and experience new things, do as much as I can while I am still very young and able! Maybe even skydive, that has ALWAYS been something I wanted to do, soon!
>>>>These next couple weeks are going to be crazy I am not even going to be able to soak up each moment because of school work and packing my garage, cleaning out everything. So as each day comes I am going to try and take a deep breathe and NOT let it all pass me by. I still have a couple more things I want to mark off my checklist here in Monterey. I still have not been to Bubba Gumps, maybe it is a bit touristy and perhaps isn't all it's cracked up to be but I will make that decision for myself. I still want to go on some more hikes and take some sick photos before I depart. I want to tie it all up in a neat little bow so when I DO leave I will be able to say, I did everything I wanted to do..."...Just like heaven..."

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