Sunday, April 26, 2009

The power of saying "no"

The power of saying "no" is simple and liberating. I sometimes find myself spreading myself too thin or getting stressed out because I am overextending myself to others. The solution: saying no. Sometimes, for a lot of us it is hard to say NO. It can even be scary. For instance a good friend asks you to help them move but you already had plans that day but feel obligated because they have helped you in the past. I tend to say if you are doing something for someone because you feel guilty or you have to, don't. You won't really be doing them a favor because they will be able to see that you don't even want to be there and you will be miserable in the process. Another example is making a plan. Someone asks you to lunch and you really just do not want to go. There is no other way of going around it. You just do not want to go. Sure you could make up a lie and pretend you have something else going on OR you could give them a breath of fresh air and say the simple word that we tend to stray from...NO. (no thank-you). It boggles my mind how a small two letter word can be hard for a lot of us to say. I am a people pleaser but I also do not let people walk all over me. There is a time and a place to say yes and there is also a time and a place to say no. I think sometimes others will respect you more if you let them know the truth. If If you don't feel up to something or you just simply don't want to you can say no, it is ok. By bending over backwards to accommodate someone it isn't always being nice or being an amazing person, I find it to be somewhat weak and in the end who does it please? When we say no we are standing firm in our convictions and stating that at this time and place "I" cannot go/do/hike/bike/spend/ect right now. At another time sure, maybe you can, or another day might be better. Do not feel guilty for a word we were taught so young to use. I think at times we like to make excuses or lie to cover up for something maybe we just aren't up for. So I say no I don't want to go out to dinner tonight. No I really don't have the time to go run over and drop something off to you. We all have a voice that must be put to use. Do not mistake saying "no" as being mean or rude, you are just saying right now, I cannot. And that is that!


  1. what is up with that picture???? you draw that in paint or what???? NO MEANS NO!

  2. Totally agree!
    I used to have such a problem with saying "no" to, well, any invitation. Then I noticed that all of a sudden I'd realize I had made plans to hang out with 3 different people or go 3 diff. places, or do 3 diff. things in one day that would not possibly work out. Sometimes people ask me to do something that sounds fun at the moment and Ill give an immediate "yes" only to realize later that I don't actually want to do that or go there and have to call back and cancel.
    It's much easier to just say "no" first to too many plans instead of stressing about cancelling them later.
    Saying "no" saves my sanity!
