Sunday, May 10, 2009


I am the girl who asks people their sign and not to be funny because I truly love astrology. I have been reading my horoscope since I was really little with my mom and sister. I wrote the horoscopes for over a year on the Otter Realm. Some think it's just for fun, and entertaining but I believe it's real. It's interesting how true and dead on Astrology can be. I am a Scorpio and for those of you who do not know about that sign we are intense creatures. Do not mess with us! haha! Anyways, I am not an expert but I want to go through each sign in this blog and describe the traits of each one. This is how I perceive each sign. Here we go:

Capricorn- Funny, cold, sarcastic, fun loving and playful.

Aquarius- Friendly, easygoing, rude, straightforward, helpful.

Pisces- Sensitive, caring, private, sarcastic, understanding and fragile.

Aries- Calm, cool, playful, outgoing, independent and direct.

Taurus- Stubborn, hardworking, sensitive, determined, positive and emotional.

Gemini- Good sense of humor, two distinct personalities, loud, genuine and blunt.

Cancer- loving, self-involved, talented, artistic natured and shy.

Leo- Outgoing, charming, jealous, interesting, needy and smart.

Virgo- Outdoorsy, energetic, cold, un-emotional, artisitc and friendly.

Libra- Hardworking, caring, intellectual, overly-serious, organized and funny.

Scorpio- Intense, passionate, possessive, sarcastic and intuitive.

Saggitarius- Playful, independent, calm, reserved and honest.

Hope you all enjoyed reading!


  1. I'm a scorpio too, and def. fit the description. I read my horoscope on all the time but I usually like to wait until the end of the day so as not to let it affect my thought/decision process. But most of the time it is soo right!
    Us scorps' are way intense i know! I've actually noticed I get along well with other girl scorpios and a handful of my best friends are November babies but as far as guys I tend to be a Leo and Cancer lover.
    I am most cautious of those Gemini's : )

  2. I always thought astrology was usless and bs but I guess I am just being blunt which apparently a trait of a Gemini. So maybe there is some truth in it.
