Monday, May 4, 2009


What will happen this summer? Will I make it to Greece or will I end up working away all summer at some high end restaurant? I want to head off to Europe and create adventures that will stick with me for the rest of my life, but I also want to see my friends and family back home and spend time with them. Some tell me " you are SO young, go to Europe and enjoy yourself" and some say " you are SO young, you have plenty of time to go to Europe". hah. Life is so unpredictable who knows where I will be two weeks from now, besides throwing my cap in the air and finally being able to breathe a sigh of relief. I like the fact of the unknown but it would be nice to have a sense of where I will be and what I will be doing. I don't want to get comfortable back home and then five years from now I will be like whatever happened to that amazing trip I was suppose to take after graduation? Money is also an issue, always seems like it is. If I had thousands of dollars I suppose my decision wouldn't be so hard. I figure I should stop trying to control everything and it will all fall into place. I am a control freak and always have to know what is going to happen. Perhaps I am sucking some of the joy out of it...I need to sit back and let life lead me where I should go. Who knows, I have always thought I would win the lottery. HEY IT COULD HAPPEN! ; )


  1. Ah, the unknown: scary yet exhilarating. It is true that you can go to Europe in the future, but I imagine it is a different experience at different ages. But who knows, maybe you will get that winning ticket. :)

  2. It kind of reminds me of a discussion i had with a classmate of mine who has children. She said how it will be nice to have her children out of the house by the time she is 40 and I said yeah my parents did it the other way and had all their fun when they were young and didn't have their first child until they were in their early 30's. I say do what your heart tells you is right....
