Tuesday, May 12, 2009


First off I am happy to say I did very well of my capstone!!! I am currently in the library and completed the final for Freedom of Speech and Responsibility. Overall today has been very productive! I have one last final tonight at 6! It is going to be my most difficult final yet. I have been studying but you can only prepare so much. So hopefully luck with align with the stars and I will end up doing well. wink wink! I am almost there! The last task I need to finish will be my capstone poster, which will be fun and creative. I just need to go to the store to grab all the materials and that will be that. The end of college is NEAR!
I am looking forward to Thursday night where I will meet with my dream group to eat mexican food and to celebrate graduation. It will be nice to sit down with positive women to chat with and catch up. I won't be seeing these amazing ladies for a long time because I am moving in five days. It all came so quickly. I thought this day was so far away and its so so close. I am having some anxiety but also excitement to see what will happen next.
I still have a lot to throw away and give away. I have tons of clothes I do not wear anymore, old papers I need to go through and other miscellaneous items. I think I will get through all that just fine because I will turn on some good music and it will be more of a cleansing experience. Getting rid or old things I do not need or use. I have decided for a long time, but even more so now of becoming a minimalist. I will only have what I absolutely need and use. I will try to condense everything into one or two boxes of sentimental items and pictures that I cannot part with. I suppose I am going to become my alias, a true gypsy. I will go wherever life brings me opportunities since I have no strong ties anywhere. My family is always a phone call away and it might be fun to not know exactly where I will be...ciao!

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