Thursday, February 26, 2009


Well since my last post, physically I am feeling 100% back to normal, thankfully. I am all better health wise but I am not feeling too hot otherwise. To be honest I am feeling down, and lost. I have been feeling a sense of hopelessness come over me and I am realizing I want to be somewhere else. I don't know how else to put it, I am sad. I want to be living somewhere else geographically speaking and I no longer want to be in school. I don't even think it's because it's my last semester here, I think it's just me. I simply am wanting deep down inside to be doing something else with my life right now. I don't feel much passion and I think life should be passionate. In whatever that may be. If you are a secretary and you are passionate about it then damn it, that's great. If you are in college and that's where you want to be then so be it. I guess I want to find that fire that I once had, I want that passion and I am scared it's slipping out of my hands. Life is a roller coaster full of ups and downs and at the moment I am going to need faith more than ever to get me to May 16th. It's going to take everything in me to not be down and somehow pick myself up, dust myself of and shake things up. I need to wake up! Hello Jessica!! what the hell are you doing? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get over it!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck making it to Mid-May. I know how you feel. I have never been passionate about school. I don't learn because I love learning. Although I feel education is necessary to a society, the only reason I attend is because I want to have more opportunities open to me in the world. I left school for a while to pursue a trade and I loved it. But for now it has steered me back to Education. I will always enjoy my trade as a hobby or through side jobs, but for now my goal is to finish school and see what I want to do from there....good luck and a drink every once in a while helps us forget how much school sucks, if only for one night.
