Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For the love of it all

Right now my thoughts are jumping all around. I wonder if my tummy will feel better soon, it's not feeling too hot at the moment. How will tomorrow be? Sunny? I can only hope. To bigger, broader ideas. Such as, is God hearing all my prayers. I know he can hear them but will he answer them. I can only hope for that too. I sometimes want an answer so quickly and I don't like waiting. I know I need to be patient and that he will provide. I have faith. It's just that these times are worrying me right now and I get stressed out. Will everyone have their jobs and we all need to think positively. I think I may be rambling right now but I suppose that is the very essence of a blog...to ramble. So here I am rambling a little bit more. I just don't want everyone to panic so badly that no one spends money and thus creating more people to lose their jobs and so on and so forth. It makes me feel sad and worried possibly creating my tummy to turn and hurt because of this weight on my mind. Anyways, I am going to take the positive route right now and hope that everyone keeps their chins up and know that everything will be ok. I want everything to be ok. Everything will be ok.

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